Thursday, March 26, 2009

How we roll!

Well I have told a few people this story and it got some pretty good laughs and it just cracked me up at the time. I was sitting in the living room a few weeks ago and Jenna was at my Uncles house playing with her cousins. I was watching TV and keeping an eye out the front window for her when all of the sudden she comes flying in the driveway faster than I have ever seen that kid ride her bike. My first thought she was being chased by dogs or some hooligans. I saw neither follow her in. So I wait a few minutes and she comes strolling in the house like nothing has happened. I said what was that all about. Her response was like I was crazy and what was I talking about. I said well you came in the driveway rolling hott! She looked me in the face and grinned and said "Daddy thats just how I roll"! I could not keep a straight face and laughed at her. She has the best sense of humor I have seen in a kid and very quick witted.

She also brought me home some more good news from school. They have these stupid TAKS test's that the teachers train the kids all year long to be prepared for. They have all the kids so stressed out you would think it was life or death depending on how you score. She has always scored "commended on these tests which just is a fancy way to say that they scored higher than the average test scores. Well she was all tweaked up the night before this test and I told her to relax but I think it is being told to them that if they fail they do get to move to the next grade. I can understand a little concern with that. Well we got the score back for the reading and comprehension part and she only missed one question. I think the average score on this is around 1750 or something and her score was above 2500. This kid is so stinking smart it wears me out.

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