Tuesday, February 24, 2009

San Antonio

Well we made a quick trip to San Antonio for livestock judging Sunday. It was almost a long day. To start off the Ag Teacher said we were leaving the school at 3:00. In no way do I mean the afternoon 3:00. I told him I didnt think my alarm clock worked that early. My first misstake was sleeping late Saturday morning, which was caused by my staying out late Friday night. So I guess that was really the first problem. I got all of Jenna's stuff ready Saturday night. (You would think she was moving across country). Well midnight Saturday rolls around and I am still wide eyed. So at this point I have two choices go to sleep and chance missing the alarm or stay awake and finish some laundry. I knocked out the last two loads and got them folded and put away. I finally got cleaned up and got Jen up and to the truck and made it on the road. Well as soon as I turn off our road on to the highway I see a Brazoria County Sheriff parked in a parking lot. Well I saw him and kept a close eye on my speed. No sooner than I pass him he whips the car around and decides to follow me for a while. Right then and there how can that not make you nervous driving? Well a mile down the road he turns OFF his head lights, more fear and then turns them back on. Next thing you know on go the flashing lights. I pulled into a gas station and he comes up to check things out, and he said I had a "burned out license plate light". Did I mention it was about 2:45 in the morning. I am sure it was all about the plate. He said since I had my daughter and we needed to get to the school by 3:00 that he would go ahead and let me go. Convenient.... Well we finally get in the bus and on the road and my whole plan is to get some sleep on the ride up there. No such luck! So we rolled into the Judging at about 8:00 after two stops on the road, one of those being Whataburger. I was thinking the judging would be over by 10:00 or 11:00. Wrong again sir! I think we pulled out right after noon. So at this point I am past the 24 hour mark of sleeplessness. I was in zombie mode and even nodded off for all of 30 seconds on the fender of a trailer when Jenna comes running up and slaps me in the chest successfully scareing me back awake. Finally back to the bus to head home. As soon as I stretched out I hear that we are stopping in ten minutes to eat some lunch. Once again no sleep for the weary. After lunch at Taco Cabana, I got in a whole hour sleep on the way home. When I finally got home got the heifer fed and by now Jenna is hungry again. That kid never stops eating! I think I finally crashed at 9:00 pm. That is the longest I have ever been sleep deprived. I told Jenna next year we will be heading up there a day early to get a motel room!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Ft Worth picture

Well when we were at the show I went ahead and purchased one of the professional pictures that they were taking and selling. The deal is they make you purchase a package, and enter your credit card info before they will even take your pics. So it was a gamble from the get go. Well it paid off in my opinion. I was there helping get the heifer set up just right and she told me that she did not want me in the picture. She is getting too grown up for my liking.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jen's new hat.

Jenna had a birthday party to go to Saturday night and she found a new hat to wear. This kid is growing up too fast for me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jenna Brazoria Cty Fair 2008

These were from last October, I just figured I would go ahead and add them as well. She did a very good job at the fair and had a good time.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Jenna at Ft Worth

Well we just got back from a long weekend in Ft Worth. She had her first experience at a "real" stock show. I asked her on the way home what her thoughts were. She told me it was fun and she cant wait till next year to do it again. I may have created a monster.